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The Ripple Effect: Committee Webinar

The Ripple Effect: Navigating Water through Committees

Thank you to the Water Management & Efficiency Committee and Jenna Shimmin for presenting the February Committee webinar.

Speaker Spotlight:
Jenna Shimmin is the Director of Water Use Efficiency at Eastern Municipal Water District.  She has worked in the water industry for 20 years, at various water agencies across Southern California.  She started her work in conservation during the SBX 7-7 implementation days, has weathered several droughts, and has been heavily involved in the current Conservation Regulation development.  When she's not being the #WaterLady, you can find her on a run or singing karaoke.

CA-NV AWWA Member FREE / Non-member $25

Title: How Data Analytics Have Changed the Landscape of Conservation Staffing

Empowering water utilities and their employees with collected and analyzed data is crucial to adapting operations to data-drive approaches.  The wave of the future is monitoring and analyzing real-time data from sensors and smart meters to provide actionable information and insights that can help optimize water resource allocation.  The question is, can a water supplier do this with their existing staff?  Learn what is being done in Northern and Southern California, as well as Nevada to integrate technology and data in order to ensure utilities are better equipped to protect resources and meet future demands.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Advanced analytics can identify patterns and predict potential leaks, demand spikes, anomalies, etc. that allow for adapting operations to data-driven approaches.
  • Decision-support tools are essential to optimize water resource allocation and reduce wastage.
  • Staffing needs will change as data availability and insights change, and there is more than one way to support this.
This webinar is 9:00 am - 10:00 am on February 20.
Earn up to 1 contact hour (based on attendance).  Contact hours will emailed to you within 30 days of receiving your class evaluation.
Receipts for classes are from info@ca-nv-awwa.org
Speaker: Jenna Shimmin
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Online Webinar

Refund Policy

Requests for refunds and transfers must be made in writing and are subject to the following conditions: Full refund of fee paid (minus 25% handling fee) will be issued for cancellations received more than 15 days prior to class start date. All fees are non-refundable thereafter. Transfers are based on availability. No transfer requests will be authorized if they are not received more than 15 days prior to class start date. A 100% refund or credit of your registration fee will be issued if a class is canceled by the Section.

Transfer Policy

Requests for transfers must be made in writing and are subject to the following conditions: Transfers are based on availability.  No transfer requests will be authorized if they are not received more than 15 days prior to class start date.