If you haven't already done so, please Sign In or Create an Account to register.

Should you need assistance with your registration, email our Accounting/Registration Specialist, Shobhan Chickarmane.

Please allow up to 30 days from course completion for contact hours to be processed.

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Global Strategies, Local Action

A Danish - Californian dialog on water efficiency and loss prevention.

An all-day workshop hosted by the Danish Water Technology Alliance (WTA), the California State Water Resources Control Board, the California Department of Water Resources, the California Water Efficiency Partnership (CalWEP) and the California-Nevada Section, American Water Works Association (CA-NV AWWA).
9:00 AM - 04:00 PM Disneyland Hotel 1150 Magic Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

Refund Policy

Requests for refunds and transfers must be made in writing and are subject to the following conditions: Full refund of fee paid (minus 25% handling fee) will be issued for cancellations received more than 15 days prior to class start date. All fees are non-refundable thereafter. Transfers are based on availability. No transfer requests will be authorized if they are not received more than 15 days prior to class start date. A 100% refund or credit of your registration fee will be issued if a class is canceled by the Section.

Transfer Policy

Requests for transfers must be made in writing and are subject to the following conditions: Transfers are based on availability.  No transfer requests will be authorized if they are not received more than 15 days prior to class start date.